Around 1850
some entrepreneurial personalities founded a mechanical flax
spinning mill. The main figure was the textile industrialist Josef
Dierzer, Ritter von Traunthal, from Linz who was regarded as an
industrial pioneer at that time and who was
building and operating textile factories. The other founders were
also men who played an important role in the economic and public
life of Upper Austria. These included Anton Georg Pummerer, Dr.
Hans Ladinser, Josef Hartmayr and Anton Hofstätter.
The Lambach
Flax Spinning Mill in Stadl-Paura was formed as a public limited
company right from the outset and was also the first stock
corporation to be founded in Upper Austria. On 23 March 1850 at
the first annual general meeting of the newly founded shareholder
association a resolution was made to construct a machine flax
spinning mill. It was to be the largest of its kind at this time
in the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy.
name of the company was only determined later as the "K.u.K.
privilegierter Lambacher Flachsspinnerei" (The Imperial and
Royal Privileged Lambach Flax Spinning Mill). The factory was built
in 1852 and production started in November 1853.
modern management style is built on the company's more than 100 year
old tradition. In our company and in our subsidiaries linen yarns
are manufactured to a traditionally high quality on the latest
machines with an enormous level of personal commitment.
