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Introduction to Swicofil -
who we are - how we work
Basic information
The active young team with many years of export experience.
problem solver for sourcing textile rawmaterial specialities such as
yarns and fibers. We are mainly serving companies outside Western
The exclusive export organization of leading European textile
rawmaterial producers.
The Swiss company in the heart of Europe - excellent banking and
reliable communications infrastructures support our work.
Close co-operation with high quality producers guarantee a perfect
service and fast reaction time. Specialities are our strength.
at interesting and competitive European market prices.
administration and state of the art communication tools ensure fastest
links to the market.
market approach through experienced partners in a worldwide network.
to adjust to your needs.
If you are located in markets outside Western Europe we are your partner
to provide you with textile and industrial high tenacity yarns, fibers,
monofilaments, cut flock etc. and all this in rawwhite and dyed.
Our mission commandments:
- Total engagement of all staff members
- Satisfy customers and staff by promoting excellent services and perfect conduct
- Always set a good example
- Carry out each task correctly from the beginning
- Act efficiently and quickly
- Admit and eliminate mistakes
- Stick to promises made
- Show positive attitudes
- Communicate in every direction
- Demand total quality and kindness from others
Reliability -
Completeness - Fast Action