Swicofil is looking for agents

There are
quite a few markets where we do not yet have a good agent.
The countries
of interest are for us:
(please address your application to us) |
Arabia |
Japan |
Mexico |
Russia and CIS |
Peru |
Britain |
Taiwan |
Are you
interested to work in your country as our sales representative in the field of
yarns and fibers?
yarns and fibers are the target products.
We are not
looking for people wanting to sell cheapest priced commodities!
If you are interested
if you have an excellent knowledge of textile raw materials,
if your
are willing to develop your market,
if you
have an open door at each factory,
if you know the
yarn and fiber consumers in your country and
if you
believe to have the necessary drive to build up the speciality
then you
are kindly invited to apply to us to become Swicofil agent.
We do welcome
your application providing full details on your textile background and